Imagine Living Each Day in Perfect Peace
Take our 3-part video series on how live in the Holy Instant starting...NOW!
☑️ How to live a life without cares, worries and anxieties—for real!
☑️ Embrace each day as if you're being carried in each moment—because you are.
☑️ No "doing" required! This is about accepting a state of mind that's there waiting for you.
Watch our free 3-part video series below. No email required!
90 Seconds to Freedom!
Jesus tells us that we can make the decision right now to begin living a life where we are calm and quiet all the time.
What Happens When I Say Yes
Don't overthink it! You'll be given moment-to-moment instruction. You'll have experiences of radiant joy and aliveness that will end your doubting.
Embrace Your Magnitude
Are you ready to hear God's messages in your heart this Holy Instant? Say goodbye to efforting! Your God-given function will carry you to heights of happiness.