How Can We Regain Awareness of Being Held in God’s Grace?
How Can We Regain Awareness of Being Held in God’s Grace?
The fall from grace is a delusional belief in the sleeping mind of the Son of God. It convinces itself that it has achieved the impossible by separating from its Creator. Terrified by this heady delusion, the sleeping mind scrambled to shed its ontological guilt of separation by projecting a world of form outside itself. The ego declares, ‘This is your new home,’ to the bewildered sleeping mind!
“Into eternity, where all is one, there crept a tiny, mad idea, at which the Son of God remembered not to laugh.”(ACIM T-27.VIII.6:2)
God Is, and so must His Son be, for He created Him. Nothing can alter this truth, just as nothing can defy His Will that He and His Son remain together in eternity. Embracing these truths wholeheartedly brings forth peace and joy, releasing the mind from the error of believing it is no longer in unity with God and His innocence. Instead, the mind mistakenly perceives itself as sinful and guilty due to separation from Him. As the mind acknowledges that the universe of form is but a fleeting dream and a vast illusion, the inner light grows brighter and more visible. Thus, the mind realizes it has never truly departed from its Source.
“For the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:18)
The fundamental question arises: How can we authentically live in alignment with our true Self, while the illusion of time still seems real? How do we extend God’s love and light to our fellow brothers and sisters, seemingly on earth? In a world made by the ego to extinguish peace and joy, how do we attain inner serenity and lasting joy? Lastly, how do we recover our awareness that we are still being held in grace by God? The answer lies in wholeheartedly accepting the truth and steadfastly rejecting its denial.
“Deny illusions, but accept the truth. Deny you are a shadow briefly laid upon a dying world. Release your mind and you will look upon a world released.” ACIM Lesson 132
This is the lesson of forgiveness that God has entrusted to the Holy Spirit to aid us. The Holy Spirit holds the memory of God and His Son, the Christ. While acknowledging the error, the Holy Spirit gazes beyond it, reminding us of what is genuinely true and real. Through this divine guidance, the Holy Spirit sets free a deceived mind that believes in the reality of the time-space world. Forgiveness becomes the sole path to forgetting this fragmented world, forgiving illusions, and releasing the past dream of judgments.
By aligning ourselves with the Holy Spirit and Jesus’ teachings, we embark on a journey toward the happy dream. In this dream, the universe unfolds as a seamless tapestry of wholeness and forgiveness. The perception of wholeness persists as the final illusion until the mind embraces its eternal nature, shared with its Creator.
“There is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.” (Matthew 10:26)
Within our mind, only the thoughts aligned with God hold truth. Ego concepts, which construct a world of illusions, attempt to defy this fundamental truth. By embracing the realization that we are an unalterable Mind created by God, we begin to experience the reality of love and light. This awakening enables us to extend these truths to others, emanating from the core of our being.
“Today, I accept the truth about myself in order to bless, heal, and comfort others.” David Hoffmeister
When we align with the Holy Spirit, we open ourselves to the inner light that permeates our being and flows through us. Recognizing the reality of this light, we also acknowledge its profound capacity to heal. It is only by accepting that the Holy Spirit is the ultimate healer that we can begin to feel safe in allowing this light to shine.
As we surrender every encounter and circumstance to the guidance and blessing of the Holy Spirit, His healing power becomes increasingly evident. We can hand over everything including our relationships, false beliefs or intense emotions. By relinquishing control and allowing the Holy Spirit to fulfill His divine role, which always yields fruit, our trust in Him deepens. We become increasingly aware that we are truly held in God’s Grace, bestowed upon us through the magnificent gift of healing embodied in the Holy Spirit.
The truth of being held in God's Grace can only be recognized in the Now. This moment transcends time; it is timeless and free from the illusory constraints that foster the belief in separation from God. Therefore, it is paramount to join the Holy Spirit in the holy instant, excluding the mind's chatter and distractions that only serve to conceal the holy instant from our sight.
“Each instant is a clean, untarnished birth, in which the Son of God emerges from the past into the present. And the present extends forever. It is so beautiful and so clean and free of guilt that nothing but happiness is there. No darkness is remembered, and immortality and joy are now.” (ACIM T-15.I.8:4-7)

Awakening, Enlightenment, Waking, Self Realization, Self Realized, Wake Up
Holy Spirit, Spirit, Voice for God, Intuition, Inner Voice, Guide, Higher Self